Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Keto Day 1, Again

I started my day with a breakfast of cheesecake and lemon meringue pie filling. Why just the filling. I really really don't like meringue. So, that part is easy. The crust...when I have been on a diet for a while (I did keto successfully for over 5 months) you get used to not eating certain foods and I have to REALLY like them to cheat. I'm not supposed to eat grains and the crust on lemon meringue pie is not worth cheating for. I washed down my pie with coffee and diet coke.

Shortly after my super healthy breakfast I talked to my therapist. I am super lucky that I can do therapy over google hangout. It's the best. There are on occasion technical issues but it's worth it not to have to drive an hour to get to her. It's hard to find a good therapist. When I do, I hold on tight! Right now I talk to her twice a week. She would love for me to come into her office but I am just not up for that right now. She always gives me homework. Sometimes I do it. Yesterday she told me to only eat healthy food until I talk to her again in 2 days. Aaaaack! This time it was easier to do my homework because it was something I wanted to do anyway.

On September 20th my husband had minor brain surgery. That night I started cheating. On October 17th I decided, "Enough!" and got back on track.

Fortunately, this time I don't have to learn how to do it. I know that part. But to make it a little harder I am going to incorporate the Low FODMAP diet that my doctor has been trying to get me on for about a year. I grew up in Arizona and I married a Mexican. Now my doctor wants me to stop eating Avocados, Garlic and Onions?! I think that's what I'm made of! But my bloating from Irritable Bowel Syndrome has gotten so bad that I can't wear most of my pants anymore. My new style is leggings with a tunic top. And sometimes my leggings feel too tight around my belly. That is motivation to try Low FODMAP. I am seeing a dietician to help me with this. I was skeptical because most of the ones that I have seen in the past just tell me how to count carbs and push the standard american diet. This one took an hour to listen to my needs. She is going to help me! She wants me to send her a list of foods I don't like so she can help me with a menu. That has been overwhelming so I haven't done it yet. Maybe that should be today's goal.

What I ate yesterday after therapy:
lots of shrimp -
almonds - kroger salted
pork rinds - kroger with Frank's Red Hot
meat stick -
string cheese - Frigo Cheeseheads
sea weed - Kim's roasted seaweed snack sea salt (I get it on Amazon)
diet coke
starbucks pike place coffee with cinnamon and liquid sucralose
powerade zero

I know I need more veggies but I think I did pretty well for the same day as a sugar binge. I was super craving a snickers in the evening. I get cravings when I'm tired. I was very tired and there was a snickers in my hand that morning that I gave to my daughter along with a York peppermint patty and an unopened quart of eggnog so that I wouldn't eat them. I was really regretting that by bedtime. But I survived.

Some foods are harder to give up because of the emotions attached. Yesterday afternoon my 5 year old granddaughter, Amanda told me that she liked the drink I gave them. I had mixed feelings of jealousy that she drank my Eggnog and pride that she liked it. Not everyone likes Eggnog. Eggnog reminds me of my Grandpa. I am lucky. My Grandpa looked and acted like Santa. So, for me Santa is real and his name is Arthur. He made Eggnog. I never had any because it was for grown ups. But I have always loved Eggnog because of it. When a family member wouldn't like it I was sad because how could anyone not like something that reminds me of Grandpa? When I taste it's sweetness and feel it coat the inside of my mouth it is like being filled with love and warm memories. I am grateful that Amanda likes it. A big chain of generations of Eggnog drinkers.

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