Friday, September 15, 2017

Approved for Disability

I just got approved for Long Term Disability. Why am I not jumping for joy. I thought I would be so happy. The emotions involved in this process are crazy. It was humiliating that they had to request records from all of my doctors to prove my disability. I would rather go to work. I love my job. Some people think I am crazy but it is true. Maybe because I have been on disability before, I know there is no glamor in it. It is actually heart breaking. I am 46 years old. I see other people my age going on trips, hiking mountains, running marathons. My achievements are walking to the mailbox, meeting my therapist on google hangout so I don't have to go to her office, finding a medication that helps instead of making me worse. I don't want to be on disability. I was kinda hoping I would be denied so I would have to return to work. That doesn't mean I am well enough but I was hoping my righteous indignation would fuel me. I would rather have 100% of my pay instead of 70%. I'd rather get quarterly bonuses and annual raises because I'm good at my job. I'd rather think about whether I want to stay in my current role or move to something that challenges me in a different way. I would rather spend time with my colleagues planning potlucks and celebrating their birthdays. I am grateful. I have good benefits and a good support system. But I think I will cry for a while about what I have lost. The disability company will reevaluate my situation in December. Maybe I will be healthy enough that they will deny me next time. I will hope.


  1. You're smart, funny, loving, constructive (even when not completely positive) and there are lots of ways to interact with folks these days. Being on disability simply means that, while you attend to taking care of you, you don't have additional issues based on financial problems. Is it fun? Hell, no! While my son doesn't know any different, I would rather have the man he might have been rather than the son with disabilities. Not in the cards. You will find something to help you feel like you contribute -- hell, girl! Sew up baby blankets and donate them to a children's hospital! You will see your way through to something that makes you feel as good about yourself and your life as your job did -- it will just be something different.

  2. Susie, I am so sorry. I feel exactly the same as you about my job. I went back to school and finished my degree at 36. Worked as a sign language interpreter in the public schools for 8 years. At 44 I was too sick to work. LOVED my job/career. The day I had to go to the BMV to get a handicap parking sticker I kept my sunglasses on because the tears would not stop. I couldn't believe my life had come to that point. It will be 10 years in May that I have been on disability. My life is different but I find joy in new things now. I am content. I am better than I was 10 years ago. The meds have controlled the disease. Read "The Spoon Theory". I have a better understanding of what is truly important in this life. God bless you on this journey. Patti


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