Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tracking Tracking Tracking

I do not like tracking. It doesn't matter what I am tracking whether it is symptoms or calories. I just don't like it. Even though I don't like it I am learning that it is important. I tracked my symptoms for a couple months last year and it really helped. I was able to refer back to it when doctors asked me questions. I don't know about you but when they do that to me my mind goes blank. It is just contrary to my personality to be consistent about anything. I do eat every day and sleep every day so that is something. Right? I will just build on that.

What I really need to start tracking is food. I have heard that the key is to track it before it goes in your mouth. Ugh. That used to be impossible because by the time I realized I was hungry I was starving and would just eat anything in sight to feel better. Since I have been doing keto and getting better at it I no longer have this issue. I have gotten better at preparing recipes to add diversity to my diet. So, I think it is a reasonable time to start doing this.

Why is this important? I am not losing weight. I believe that it is because I am eating too much. I know my diabetes doesn't help but I think it must still be possible so I am going to try. I will also see my macros to determine if something needs to be adjusted.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing so well, keep it up!

    Also, did your sugar drop after Eli was born?


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